The Minute You Wake Up Dead(2022)
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Thesetting is a small town somewhere in the South, where stock expert Russ (ColeHauser) has just lost a lot of people a lot of money by recommending a badinvestment. Even the local Sheriff, named Fowler (Morgan Freeman), isn't toohappy with the guy, since the lawman's brother lost his retirement fund in thedeal, and that becomes a problem for Russ when he starts receiving anonymous,threatening phone calls (The script goes out of its way to make a catch-phraseout of the running threat: \"Where will you be the minute you wake updead\").
Doubts over whether or not director Michael Mailer has ever tried to wake up after dying overshadow much of this Morgan Freeman piece. The Minute You Wake Up Dead, as oxymoronic and stupid a title as it may be, is another bit of dreck from the action-thriller department that brought audiences 7Seconds starring Wesley Snipes and Blessed starring Heather Graham. If neither ring a bell, then do not be alarmed. The Minute You Wake Up Dead will ring no bell and once it slumps away into the shadowy distance, no bell will toll its demise as a frontrunner for awful Cole Hauser projects. That is all The Minute You Wake Up Dead is. This piece being remembered by one soul as an awful piece of the crime thriller genre would be an achievement.
Turning on The Minute You Wake Up Dead is a mistake one realizes the minute one does so. So where will you be the minute you wake up dead Hopefully not still looking at the screen while this plays. If anything, waking up would be a curse.
The Minute You Wake Up Dead opens with that biblical quote on screen and then transitions into a monologue delivered by Freeman about morality and what brings people to the edge to make the choices they do. A phenomenal setup, no, but it is a passable one and the movie starts off OK enough. After the 15 minute mark, all good will is wrung out and the remaining 75 minutes end up being rather laborious for a multitude of reasons. 59ce067264