EK4 SteelWorks 2013 Win64SSQ
LINK ---> https://ssurll.com/2tcFGv
If the soul is an experience, as I am suggesting, then it can beaware of itself, once it is "awake." The usual connotation of awaketo mean! awake, is waking up to a reality long known by the experiencingsoul. And if we examine the word, awaking is a dance toward the"hidden self." So, the soul is an active mystery, a metaphysical experience,with its own "self-experience." And because the soul is immediatelyaffected by the place in which it lives, awaking refers to waking up to thecondemnation or pleasure of this place, or what Franz Rosenzweig calls"the grief of God." We waked into the sorrow of God, just as wewoke into himself. He has always been there where we have been.So, all places and all people are inhabited by a self, which may bereceiving, or unwilling, and may be conscious. Like Jesus of Nazareth, we have learned from the experience of our own wokeness. And although the experience ofwokeness is indirect, even after so many generations, it remains connected tothe contemplative tradition of the mystery.
The soul is a way of weaving together things, a way which is insidethe mystical dialogue between outside and inside, between humankind andnature, and between the normal and the hidden. It makes the differencebetween the illusory and the real, and connects the individual soul tocosmic powers. The soul is both the interstice and the bridge, the place wherethe kingly king meets the divine king, between light and darkness. Theterms soul, psyche, and spirit are but different names for the same enitirely relational experience of self-being.
a call to begin the journey to the Underworld, or to the inner kingdom,such as the visionary kingdom, which is a new, but not different than thevisionary kingdom of the Moyen-Ages, and the visionary kingdom ofChrist in his own age. Dreams and hallucinations lead direct to thekingdom of God. d2c66b5586